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Divine Remembrance of Self



Higher Self, Inner Child, & Ego.


You may have heard of these aspects of "self", but did you know they are POWERFUL allies that can help you navigate life? When you can identify the unique voices and energy of your team, you will begin to understand your triggers and how to heal through them. This 10 week journey has been curated to help you reconnect to your team and deepen into the Divine Truth that is emerging for YOU.


Higher Self, Inner Child, & Ego are not just spiritual concepts. They are purposeful in the construction of your HUMANITY to KNOW yourself through the framework of your physical body.

They are assisting you to understand the lessons of love that you have chosen, and reclaim yourself in deep loving wisdom. As you come full circle in the remembrance of your loving wisdom, you begin to rise and hold yourself in the integrity of your light. This is when you truly begin to master yourself in the authenticity of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy. You will be SEEN, HEARD, and EXPERIENCED in the power of your TRUTH.

Meet the team ... 

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Inner Child.png

Higher Self

Higher Self is a portal into your infinite Soul. When you are in deep connection with Higher Self, you observe synchronicities in your life that lead to your greatest alignment of Self, and receptivity of abundance in all ways.

Inner Child

Inner Child leads you through your playground of life with the lens of wonder, imagination, and curiosity. As you experience joy and freedom through your Inner Child, it connects you to your Divine Feminine POWER. Start creating your life in the centre of your Divine Feminine FIRE.


Ego is a necessary and powerful aspect that enables you to experience yourself as an individual. It keeps you safe in the construct of your self beliefs as a unique individual, and works in expansive ways with your Divine Masculine to create the sacred container for your desires to bloom.

This is for you if ...

You're in your head more than your HEART

You don't trust yourself or know how to deepen your intuition

Your Inner Child wounds are often reopening

Your Ego is often triggered

You are paralysed by the overwhelm of daily life

You are unsure or feel lost in what direction to take in your life

You feel like you're on the cusp of something but unsure of how to breakthrough to the next step

You have "clair" senses but have disconnected them due to overwhelm of incoming "data"

You are tired of the same repetitive cycles of pain and challenges but don't know what to do

Your emotions run the daily show and you react instead of respond

You feel incredible lonely

You don't know what your truth and purpose is

The Divine Remembrance Journey starts here ...

We have been conditioned to perceive ourselves in a certain way and call it our "truth". At first by our parents in childhood, then during our school years, and even now continuously being drip fed by society. Along our life journey we collect many shades and facets of truth that creates the veils and illusions that we then project as the Self. This is when you find yourself stuck on the same hamster wheel of emotions, ego triggers, inner child wounds, and life generally not going the way you envision.....

Your Team communicates with you through triggers and other messages, to let you know that your beliefs are changing, and how you can evolve with them. This 10 week course guides you to understand the messaging in your mental, physical, and energetic bodies to BUST THROUGH your limiting beliefs and EXPAND into your highest potential. 


Let's flip the script and allow yourself a moment to view your SELF through a more loving and expansive lens. One that shows you how to collect gems and resources along your life path, and reclaim yourself in deep loving wisdom through all of your experiences. Because the truth is, TRUTH is constantly evolving and expanding if you are in a self loving state.


Your Higher Self, Inner Child, and Ego, will guide you on a journey of SELF MASTERY so you can be in DIVINE UNION with yourSELF. Divine union of the Self means to operate at a level of intimacy within that enables you to harness the true power of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. You are able to hold yourself in the integrity of your truth, create at the speed of light, and BE abundant in all-ways.


This online course is available on a 1:1 basis (start when you're ready)


in Sacred Circle (online group container capped at 12).

Sacred Circle (Online Group)

WEEK 1 | Heart Activation

Tuesday 16th April, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 2 | Meet the Team

Tuesday 23rd April, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 3 | Higher Self Connection

Tuesday 30th April, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 4 | Ego Connection

Tuesday 7th May, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 5 | Inner Child Connection

Tuesday 14th May, 7.30pm AEST

WEEK 6 | Inner Child Journey Part I

Tuesday 21st May, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 7 | Inner Child Journey Part 2

Tuesday 28th May, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 8 | Inner Child & the Divine Feminine

Tuesday 4th June, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 9 | Divine Feminine Fire

Tuesday 11th June, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 10 | Divine Masculine Container

Tuesday 18th June, 7.30pm AEST


WEEK 11 | Divine Masculine & Feminine Dance

Tuesday 25th June, 7.30pm AEST

Select your journey ...

1:1 Journey

Pay in full
AUD 1,888

Pay in 4 instalments
AUD 488 x 4

Sacred Circle (Group Journey)

Pay in full
AUD 555

Pay in 3 instalments
AUD 188 x 3

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